
How to choose a suitable steel track undercarriage to solve the failure problem of construction machinery

One of the most crucial components of construction equipment is the steel track undercarriage, whose performance and quality have a direct impact on the machinery’s overall lifespan and operating efficiency. Selecting the appropriate steel track undercarriage may help increase the stability and safety of machinery operation while also efficiently resolving failure issues with construction equipment. The following will explain how to select the appropriate steel track undercarriage in order to address the issues with construction equipment failure.

First, decide which kind of undercarriage best suits the requirements of the equipment. Different forms of steel tracked undercarriage, such as flat tracked undercarriage, inclined tracked chassis, high level tracked undercarriage, and so on, can be chosen based on the kind and application of construction machines. It is necessary to choose a undercarriage type based on the particular technical requirements because different types have varying characteristics and applications. For instance, an excavator operating in difficult terrain can select an inclined tracked undercarriage, which is better suited to the challenging topography of the building site and has superior ascending and passing capabilities.

SJ2000B track undercarriage

Selecting the proper undercarriage size is the second step. The length and width of the tracks are referred to as the undercarriage size. The operating environment, the machinery’s load, and its work intensity should all be taken into consideration when selecting the undercarriage size. Selecting a smaller undercarriage size can make the machinery easier to operate in cramped spaces. Conversely, if the machinery is intended to carry a heavier load, a broader, longer undercarriage can enhance its stability and carrying capacity. To guarantee the stability of the construction machinery, the total weight and balance of the machinery should be taken into account while selecting the undercarriage size.


Thirdly, think about the chassis’s construction and material quality. High-strength alloy steel with good tensile, bending, and wear resistance often makes up the custom-made steel track undercarriage. When selecting a steel track undercarriage, care should be taken to verify that the material quality satisfies specifications and has superior qualities such high strength, resistance to wear, and durability. To guarantee the quality and dependability of the undercarriage, you should also pick steel tracked undercarriage made by producers who have put their products through rigorous testing and quality control procedures.

SJ2000 undercarriage

Fourth, be mindful of the chassis’s lubrication and upkeep. The secret to maintaining normal operation and extending the service life of steel tracked undercarriage is proper lubrication and maintenance. To lessen the frequency and effort required for lubrication and maintenance, steel track undercarriage with good lubrication and self-lubrication performance should be selected. To guarantee the normal operation of the undercarriage, it is also required to select an appropriate lubricant, perform routine lubrication and maintenance, tidy up the various parts of the undercarriage, and promptly assess the wear and tear of the undercarriage.


Select suppliers who offer strong technical assistance and after-sale service. To guarantee the quality of both the product and the service, you should select steel crawler undercarriage from manufacturers who have a certain reputation and level of credibility. To solve failure issues with construction machinery during use and minimize downtime and losses, manufacturers should have an excellent after-sales service system in place. They should also be able to deliver spare parts, maintenance, and technical assistance in a timely manner.

SJ6000B undercarriage

In conclusion, selecting the appropriate steel track undercarriage for wholesale steel track undercarriage components is essential to resolving the issues with construction equipment failure. You can effectively solve the failure problems of the construction machinery and improve the operating effect and life of the machinery by selecting a type and size of undercarriage that is appropriate for the needs of the machinery, paying attention to the material and quality of the undercarriage, focusing on the lubrication and maintenance of the undercarriage, and choosing manufacturers with good after-sales service and technical support.

Post time: Apr-07-2024